My Story

As a first generation Mexican-American, I always had home-cooked meals. Instead of frequent doctor visits, I had grandma's home remedies. I was taught early on how to properly fuel my body and appreciate it for all it can do.  

As a result, I’ve always been naturally health conscious. I stayed active, and chose not to indulge in things like fast food or even over-the-counter medications. 

However, I experienced two major challenges which led me to take a much more proactive approach to my health.  

The first challenge arose when I became a mother. While all three of my children were born at home naturally and drug-free, my firstborn developed eczema in her first year, and later developed digestion issues and food sensitivities. 

My second child was born healthy, but within two months developed severe eczema covering 90% of his body, with open, weeping sores. Life was hell. He was allergic to his environment, and couldn’t even touch, let alone consume, many foods. As I was breastfeeding, I began an elimination diet, which turned into an elimination lifestyle - getting rid of my skin care products, laundry detergent, our dog, and even moving out of our home. 

We had essentially become hermits, and my son was eating just 3-4 foods. To deter him from scratching, I’d place socks over his hands and hold them all night. I knew we couldn’t continue to live this way. This sleep deprived, anxious mom would have to make some drastic changes. 

When his pediatrician explained that a steroid treatment would clear his skin, but almost guaranteed developing asthma later on, it became clear that I needed to get to the root cause of his problem.

A visit to a classical homeopath helped stabilize his skin within a few months, even with the addition of new foods to his diet. I’ll never forget the morning he woke up with clear skin, and I could actually kiss those baby cheeks!

The homeopathic medicine that healed him cost less than $10, and produced gentle, yet rapid results. And I’ve been a student of homeopathy ever since. 

My second major health challenge occurred soon after the first, when I suffered two back to back grand-mal seizures. I woke up in the hospital feeling exhausted and sore, and couldn’t even recall my age or who was president! 

My doctor ordered a lot of testing, including a painful spinal puncture that took weeks to recover from. While all of these tests came back perfectly normal, I continued to have seizures randomly every 3-5 years for the next fifteen years. The last one occurred while I was driving with my then 10-year-old. Somehow, she knew what was happening and turned off the car, saving us both.    

Shortly after, I found an integrative doctor who taught me about health markers and the importance of getting full blood panels every two years.  

I did the same for my kids when they hit puberty. It’s empowering to see our numbers progress into the optimal range based on changes we’ve made to our diet, rest, exercise, stress management, and organ support via quality supplements.  

I now have incredible peace of mind knowing that I’m doing everything I can to have a higher quality of life as I age, while also setting my children up for success.

My work to fix my personal health and that of my family has led to my life’s mission. 

As a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist (FDN), I am now able to help other proactive, health-minded parents discover their own unique genetic, ancestral, and biochemical needs, as well as dietary preferences. My intention is always to stimulate gentle healing, teaching my clients to work with their body, and get better at listening to how it expresses itself through symptoms. My goal is to provide personalized nutrition and health optimization programs that are reasonable, sustainable, and provide long-term results.

Ready to take a proactive, individualized approach to your health? I invite you to book a Curiosity Call!

Alejandra Garcia
Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist (FDN)

Helping you discover your unique genetic, ancestral, and biochemical needs